Teoria ergodyczna - seminarium

Wydział Matematyki Politechniki Wrocławskiej

Ergodic Theory Seminar

Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Termin i miejsce/Time and place


Stali uczestnicy/Regular participants

Nadchodzące wystąpienia/Upcoming talks

Data/Date Prelegent/Speaker Temat/Topic
11.01.2024 Marek Kryspin Oseledets Decomposition on Sub semiflows - part 2
The topic of Oseledets decomposition will be discussed, in particular the conditions under which it is possible to transfer the Oseledets splitting of a Banach space into continuously embedded subspaces of the former. The subject matter is a natural issue related to the phase space (initial conditions space) decomposition in differential equations with or without delay. Such a decomposition provides a complete characterisation of the Lyapunov exponents that govern the dynamics of the system.

Poprzednie wystąpienia/Past talks

Data/Date Prelegent/Speaker Temat/Topic
11.01.2024 Marek Kryspin Oseledets Decomposition on Sub semiflows
The topic of Oseledets decomposition will be discussed, in particular the conditions under which it is possible to transfer the Oseledets splitting of a Banach space into continuously embedded subspaces of the former. The subject matter is a natural issue related to the phase space (initial conditions space) decomposition in differential equations with or without delay. Such a decomposition provides a complete characterisation of the Lyapunov exponents that govern the dynamics of the system.
14.12.2023 Sebastian Kopacz Uniquely ergodic quasitilings of amenable groups - pt. 4
30.11.2023 Sebastian Kopacz Uniquely ergodic quasitilings of amenable groups - pt. 3
23.11.2023 Sebastian Kopacz Uniquely ergodic quasitilings of amenable groups - pt. 2
16.11.2023 Sebastian Kopacz Uniquely ergodic quasitilings of amenable groups
For a countable amenable group $G$ we prove the existence of a uniquely ergodic, zero entropy quasitiling of $G$, whose tiles have arbitrarily good invariance properties. This improves the quasitiling construction of Downarowicz, Huczek and Zhang by adding unique ergodicity.
(room A.1.14, building C-19)
Tomasz Downarowicz Topological normality preservation by addition
In this lecture, inaugural for the seminar in the academic year 2023/2024, I will present something perhaps interesting, very natural and - above all - easy to follow, namely, a surprising answer to the question given below:
A symbolic sequence $x$ over a finite alphabet $A= \{0,1,2,...,r-1\}$ is called topologically normal if it is transitive in the full shift over A. In the shift space we introduce coordinatewise addition modulo $r$. What sequences $y$ over $A$ have the property that $x + y$ is topologically normal for every topologically normal sequence $x$? The answer is surprising, because it involves a new class of sequences that presumably none of us has ever heard about before.

Wystąpienia w poprzednich latach (talks in previous years)